March 16, 2022

Guided Houseplant Meditation with Caroline Weihs

Join Caroline Weihs, Registered Yoga Teacher 200hr, for a guided meditation with your houseplants.  
Self Care

Join Caroline Weihs @withgoodcare, Registered Yoga Teacher 200hr, for a guided meditation with your houseplants.  

Houseplants carry the beautiful and peaceful frequency of nature within them. They are living beings that emit a loving presence, extra oxygen, and a reminder of what it means to be a part of a growth cycle! Incorporating houseplants into your meditation spaces will provide inspiration and calm. 

Join me, just as you are, in this 5 minute meditation. We will use houseplants as a visualization tool as we tune inward! If you are willing, consider adding your own houseplants to your mediation space. 

When you complete the video, consider reflecting about your own growth cycle. Are you in a planting stage or a blooming stage? How can you honor where you are and still visualize what it feels like when you Flourish? Thank you for taking the time to tune in with me today. We look forward to seeing your beautiful and tranquil houseplant meditation spaces!

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